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Menstrual Cycle Awareness Program

  • Provide medical assistance to  poor people through screenings, diagnosis, and organizing medical camps and surgical clinics. Establish pharmacies, mobile dispensaries, and hospital facilities.

  • Focus on public awareness about health issues. Raise awareness about incurable diseases and implement preventive measures.

  • Make medical services available to economically disadvantaged individuals.

  • Establish charitable hospitals and clinics. Initiate health counseling centers and open naturopathy centers.

  • Organize medical camps, conferences for expert doctors, and medical seminars. Open research centers and provide free treatment for cancer and AIDS patients.

  • Spread awareness about health elements for everyone.

  • Raise awareness about organ donation, eye donation, and blood donation.Organize camps for the same.

  • Start initiatives to address partner-related illnesses and organize camps for the prevention of communicable diseases.

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